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Peter’s resolve and desire to be the man that Jesus wanted him to be is inspiring. He was willing to say that “Even if all fall away, I will not.” He wanted to say that he would be willing to die for his Saviour.
Here in the West we never have to face the risk of death for what we believe. But still we find ourselves wanting to say we will follow Jesus in all situations, but then struggle to put that into practice when the conversation turns to faith in Jesus.
Take time today to pray for people we know who have taken a stand for their faith in Jesus. Internationally, that might be to think about Christians who find themselves displaced because of their religion, or who have to live with the burden of having had loved ones murdered or taken hostage because of their trust in Jesus. And then pray for yourselves in the situations you meet where you need to make a stand for your Saviour.
God our Father,
in your love and goodness
you have taught us to come
close to you in penitence
with prayer, fasting and generosity;
accept our Lenten discipline,
and when we fall by our weakness,
raise us up by your unfailing mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.