Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day 12 - Peter Disowns Jesus

Luke 22 v 54-62 Peter Disowns Jesus    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

We take another day to think about Peter’s denial. After Peter had denied Jesus three times, “the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.” We cannot really grasp how withering that must have been for Peter, as none of us spent three years in the physical presence of Jesus as he taught and healed people around Israel. But we do know the feeling of conviction we get from his Holy Spirit when we are challenged by Jesus about something we shouldn’t be doing. Have we ever been outside and wept bitterly?

How do we react when Jesus challenges us to change? Do we have Christian friends we can share our difficulties with, and together keep each other accountable?

Why not take a moment today to pray the Lord’s Prayer and pause on the line, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Is there anything specific Jesus wants to deliver you from today?

God our Father,
in your love and goodness 
you have taught us to come 
close to you in penitence
with prayer, fasting and generosity; 
accept our Lenten discipline, 
and when we fall by our weakness, 
raise us up by your unfailing mercy; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

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