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This is a difficult passage to read, and it is slightly out of chronological order from the other passages. However, it is worth considering it immediately after Peter's denial. Peter's intentions were good but he fell under pressure. Judas, on the other hand, had made the conscious and willful decision to betray Jesus. His words are revealing though, and can stay with us as we consider the rest of the Easter story: "I have sinned, for I have betrayed an innocent man".
Do we ever lose sight of the fact that Jesus was innocent? That he really had never sinned? We shouldn't let what Jesus went through become so familiar that we lose the impact on our hearts and souls. Take time today to thank him again for what he did, and that his sinlessness was the very reason we can be saved.
God our Father,
in your love and goodness
you have taught us to come
close to you in penitence
with prayer, fasting and generosity;
accept our Lenten discipline,
and when we fall by our weakness,
raise us up by your unfailing mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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