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Here we read again of Jesus rising from the dead, this time from John's perspective. In this Gospel, Mary Magdalene runs straight to tell Peter and John about what she has seen. Her initial response is that someone must have moved Jesus' body. She can only imagine that a human act could have caused this to happen.
This is often true for people today: something out of the ordinary happens, but, instead of looking for a Godly intervention, they assume there must be a human one. It is only when John and Peter arrive that Jesus' followers "saw and believed."
What happenings are we quick to put down to coincidence or to try and explain away when we should be celebrating them as an act of God? Take time today to reflect on God's amazing power in your life.
Lord Jesus,
you were dead but now you are alive:
transform the torments of this world’s sin
that we may see your radiant glory.
You were raised from death to life:
may the power of your resurrection live in us,
that we may be channels of your true life beyond measure.
To you, Jesus,
who have broken free from the bonds of death,
be honour and glory with
the Father and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
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