Monday 16 March 2015

Day 23 - Jesus before Pilate and Herod

Luke 22 v 66-71 Jesus before Pilate and Herod    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

Jesus being seated at the right hand of the Father is a beautiful picture. Jesus had the end game in sight, that man's relationship with God would be able to be restored. Jesus would return to his Glory in Heaven and be seated at the right hand of God, his rightful place. This would mean that his time on Earth was complete, that he had conquered death and returned sinless and perfect to reunite the trinity.

This statement lead the council to ask if he was the Son of God, which he answered with his characteristic, "You say that I am". We live with the hindsight of knowing what Jesus achieved. Reflect today on his sitting at the right hand of God, interceding for us and waiting for the day when all will be put right. Who do you say that he is?

Lord Jesus, 
you were condemned to death for political expediency: 
be with those who are imprisoned 
for the convenience of the powerful. 
You were the victim of unbridled injustice: 
change the minds and motivations of oppressors 
and exploiters to your way of peace. 
To you, Jesus, innocent though condemned,
 be honour and glory with the 
Father and the Holy Spirit, 
now and for ever.

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