Friday 20 March 2015

Day 27 - The Crucifixion of Jesus

Mark 15 v 21-32 The Crucifixion of Jesus    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

Notice today the link with the birth of Jesus. The gift from the wise men re-appearing almost as a fulfilment of the prophecy from his birth.  Simeon's words to Mary resonate too: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel... And a sword will pierce your own soul too". (Luke 2:34-35)

The irony of the insults hurled by the passers by is deep. In his own way Jesus was achieving exactly what they were saying. In his own serene, quiet, perfect way Jesus was saving the world. And the only one who knew it was Jesus himself.

Lord Jesus, 
even in your deepest agony 
you listened to the crucified thief:
hear us as we unburden to you our deepest fears. 
You spoke words of love in your hour of death: 
help us to speak words of life to a dying world. 
To you, Jesus, who offer hope to the hopeless,
be honour and glory with the 
Father and the Holy Spirit, 
now and for ever.

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