Thursday 19 March 2015

Day 26 - The Soldiers Mock Jesus

Mark 15 v 16-20 The Soldiers Mock Jesus    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

They called the whole company of soldiers. There is nothing more to add really - just re-read the passage and let it sink in.

Then pray for those today who suffer at the hands of evil people because of their love of Jesus. Some are at the hands of government institutions, others at the hands of extremists. Nothing can stop the power of our prayers reaching them and encouraging them. Be faithful in it today.

Lord Jesus, 
you were condemned to death for political expediency: 
be with those who are imprisoned 
for the convenience of the powerful. 
You were the victim of unbridled injustice: 
change the minds and motivations of oppressors 
and exploiters to your way of peace. 
To you, Jesus, innocent though condemned,
 be honour and glory with the 
Father and the Holy Spirit, 
now and for ever.

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