Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 30 - The Death of Jesus

Mark 15 v 33 - 41 The Death of Jesus    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

We see here two further proofs that Jesus is who he said he was. The miracle of the temple curtain ripping in two signifies the way that Jesus is our bridge to God, opening the way to him in a way that had never been possible before. Whilst there is no other historical source to corroborate this event, it is highly unlikely that Mark was making it up: there were thousands of eye-witnesses to the events surrounding the crucifixion and Mark was writing 10-20 years after they occurred. If Mark was manufacturing a story, it would have been refuted.

The Centurion’s response is also interesting. A Roman, a non-Jew, a professional killer: all these titles mean he is one of the least likely people to be convinced of Jesus’ divinity unless he had seen it with his own eyes, making his words so compelling.
Take a moment today to ponder the evidence for Jesus death and resurrection, including the evidence in your own heart and life.

God our Father,
in your love and goodness 
you have taught us to come 
close to you in penitence
with prayer, fasting and generosity; 
accept our Lenten discipline, 
and when we fall by our weakness, 
raise us up by your unfailing mercy; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

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