Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 34 - Jesus has Risen

Mark 16 v 1-8 Jesus has Risen    
(Use the link above to get to the passage)

Today we see three of Jesus’ closest female followers going to his tomb to perform a very intimate and human service. Their main concern is equally practical: how, as three women, will they be able to get into the tomb? However, when they reach it, they find that, not only has the stone been rolled away, but there is also a young man sitting inside. It is hard to imagine their shock; their hearts would have been grieving and they would have been full of emotional upheaval, and now the body of a man they knew and loved has disappeared.
The angel’s response to this is, “Do not be alarmed.”

Take a moment to give to God something that is worrying you today and ask for His hand to be on you, relieving you of your anxiety.

Lord Jesus, 
you were dead but now you are alive: 
transform the torments of this world’s sin
that we may see your radiant glory. 
You were raised from death to life: 
may the power of your resurrection live in us, 
that we may be channels of your true life beyond measure. 
To you, Jesus, 
who have broken free from the bonds of death, 
be honour and glory with 
the Father and the Holy Spirit, 
now and for ever.

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